Wearable Technology and the Healthcare Industry
Wearable healthcare technology is gaining widespread popularity, primarily owing to its accessibility and flexibility. Wearables are compact devices connected to a network with features such as wireless data transmission, real-time feedback, and automatic health alerts. Thanks to the Internet of Things, wearables are making life easier for both doctors and patients. With the ability to […]
Read MoreIoT Find and Track: The Next Generation Of Healthcare
Healthcare executives constantly wrestle with issues concerning the safety of their facility, the satisfaction of their staff, the quality of care provided to their patients and the costly workflow inefficiencies that impact their bottom line. Oftentimes, information technology innovation for healthcare is cited as a potential vehicle for improvement. Innovators are constantly working to create […]
Read MoreIoT Solutions Enabling Digital Health
Even if you are not familiar with the phrase “Digital Health”, there’s a good chance you have already experienced it. If you’ve ever used a Fitbit or downloaded a fitness tracker on your phone, you’ve already immersed yourself in Digital Health. Digital Health is the product of traditional healthcare practices and emerging technology, such as […]
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