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Free Internet of Things eBook

Embarking on an IoT project?

Download our free guide on the Internet of Things
developed by industry experts

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A Reference Guide to IoT (Free IoT eBbook)

This resource will help you make educated decisions for your IoT project, whether building from scratch or assembling ready to deploy components. We provide insight on what to consider throughout the entire process, from planning and design of each component to the deployment and monitoring of your IoT system. Our goal is to help you navigate the many options available when constructing an IoT system. We outline the advantages and disadvantages of the various technologies available to help you decide which options best suit your IoT project’s needs.

Download a Free IoT eBook

This IoT eBook will help you:

  • Understand IoT components and available technologies
  • Compare the features and limitations of competing technologies
  • Determine what technologies fit your use case
  • Engage in a constructive conversation with IoT platform providers

About the Authors

This eBook is a collaboration of Bridgera and RIoT IoT subject experts. Collectively, this cross functional group of authors offer 40+ years of end-to-end, IoT technology experience.

Table of Contents


eSection 1: Physical Things

eSection 2: Communication Channels

eSection 3: Software

eSection 4: Operations

eSection 5: Data

Platform Solutions

Use Case Examples


Download The Reference Guide to IoT

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